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A Tribute to Abuela Aya on Our 3-Year Anniversary of My First Ceremony

earth reconnection earth reconnection coaching plant medicine sacred roots revival the four pillars of sacred roots revival transformational earth reconnection Oct 10, 2023

Three years ago today I had the absolute privilege and honor of sitting ceremony for the first time with Abuela Aya.


As a tribute to Her and all the wisdom, healing, guidance, and spiritual expansion she has bestowed upon me, on this third anniversary I am unveiling my Earth Reconnection & Stewardship Revival course and coaching program offering, The 4 Pillars of Sacred Roots Revival.


Sacred Roots Revival is the culmination of nearly a decade of formal environmental sciences and sustainability education, over two decades of working with psychedelic and plant medicines, and just over three years of deep inner personal work with sacred plant medicines with the intention of healing.



This offering is a creative project that has been living inside of me for at least the three years, if not longer, since I first started working with the sacred mushroom to heal chronic, severe depression that eventually lead to suicidal ideation and near hospitalization.


The sacred mushroom helped to reopen my creative expression, uncovering the deeper why behind my nearly decade-long environmental education, and unfurling roots into layers far beyond climate change and sustainability.


Just as this creative approach began to percolate in my awareness, I sat my first ceremony with Aya. And for the first time, I heard Mother Earth speaking. And she wasn’t just speaking to me, she was speaking through me.


It was that experience that, while I may not have known it at the time, opened the doors to exploring the calling to be of service to Mother Earth in ways I had never been shown or even imagined could exist at that time.



The doors of opportunity for entering into the traditional environmental industry had already slammed shut on me several times over.


But as the saying goes, when one door closes…


I didn’t even realize it then, but after that first sit with Aya, and meeting Mother Earth in a way I never had before, I found myself embarking on the first of many soft dietas—working with Master Plant Teachers, a practice traditional to the Amazonian Indigenous Lineages to merge with, listen to, learn from, and connect with the consciousness of the plants.  


Of course it is obvious that if not for these sacred plant medicines and teachers, I wouldn’t be where I am today… but what I actually mean is that I may not be alive today if not for their divine timing and all encompassing embrace to support me and guide me through.


But they didn’t just bring me to a place of survival and toleration of the human experience I’d struggled with for so long, they brought me to a place of rich, savory, deeply transformative, reality-shattering perspective shifts.


They revealed to me the truth within me that I’d always known deep down existed, but just hadn’t found the path to the doorway yet.



Reflecting upon that first journey with Aya, she revived in me my sacred, ancient roots—the roots of my true nature, as a being inherently interconnected to Mother Earth and to the Divine Infinite.


The journey to knowing and embodying my sacred roots has been long, winding, tumultuous, and still I lose my way sometimes. But everything that I share in the Sacred Roots Revival program is a guidepost, a beam of light that has helped me on my own journey of remembering and reclaiming my role as a stewardess to the sacred roots of Mother Earth—intricately interwoven into the fabric of all that is—a Spiritual Being having an Earthly Experience.


And so I invite you to join me on this journey of Reconnecting to Mother Earth, and Reviving your stewardship of what is sacred for you. So that you may free yourself from suffering in the illusion of separation, and reclaim your true, joyful nature as an inherently interconnected being having an Earthly experience.

Explore my new website and The 4Ā Pillars of Sacred Roots Revival Self-Guided Course and 1:1 Coaching Program Offerings

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